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The /add normal command is used to set normal roles to the currently selected active message. A user may select any number of roles from normal reaction roles on a message. This is useful for notification or platform roles.

Video Example​

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/add normal <Emoji> <Role>

A user that removes a reaction from a normal reaction role will have their role removed.


Zira will need the Add Reactions permission to add reactions to the active message.

Premium Only

Normal free users of Zira may only have up to 100 total reaction roles per guild. Premium and partnered guilds can have unlimited reaction roles of any type!

If you would like a single reaction to add more than one role, you can run the /add normal command multiple times, making sure to use the same emoji. There is no limit to number of normal reaction roles you can stack on a single emoji.

For example, to stack the Rabbit and Cat roles on a single emoji:

/add normal 😊 Rabbit
/add normal 😊 Cat

You may also stack remove reaction roles on a single reaction if you would like a single reaction to both add and remove roles.

/add normal 😊 Rabbit
/add remove 😊 Dog

While you may add as many normal reaction roles on an active message as you would like, be aware the Discord only allows a maximum of 20 reactions on a single message. If you want more than 20 reactions with reaction roles in your server, you will need to create additional messages.


/add examples

/add output


Make sure to set an active message beforehand with both the channel and message commands or you will receive an error.