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The /add remove command adds a reaction role that removes a role from a user to the currently selected active message. This is useful in instances such as allowing a user to un-mute themselves by reacting to remove their mute role.

Premium Only

Normal free users of Zira may only have 6 remove roles set up per guild. Premium and partnered guilds can have unlimited remove reaction roles!

Video Example

Coming Soon!


/add remove <Emoji> <Role>
Conflict Notice

If you are looking to delete a set up reaction role on a message instead, see the delete command.


Zira will need the Add Reaction permission to add reactions to the active message.

If you would like a single reaction to remove more than one role, you can run the /add remove command multiple times. There is currently no limit to number of rules you can stack on a single reaction.

For example, to stack the removal of Rabbit and Cat roles on a single emoji:

/add remove 🥕 Rabbit
/add remove 🥕 Cat

You may also stack normal reaction roles on a single reaction if you would like a single reaction to both add and remove roles.

/add normal 🥕 Rabbit
/add remove 🥕 Dog


/remove examples

/remove output


Make sure to set an active message beforehand with both the channel and message commands or you will receive an error.